Belize Day 8: Buh Bye
The last morning in San Pedro! We woke up, grabbed some breakfast, and watched as the new crew of people came rolling into the island. We walked to Ramon's one last time. Wyatt snorkeled, and Ann took in the ocean views and soaked up a little more sun before returning to the hotel to pack.
We set out for the San Pedro Airport and awaited our plane. It is hot and dusty, but it is time to leave before we know it. We climb into the same 12 seater plane.

It's another smooth and uneventful flight. And the views are fantastic.

Upon arriving at Belize City International Airport, we collect our bags and check in with American Airlines. Once we remembered to fill out our departure forms, we paid our exit fee of $65 and headed off in search of food. We must have forgotten that this is the smallest international airport on earth, so the only food available are hot dogs, candy bars, and beer. Jett's Lounge was hopping with hungry travelers. (Jett's is run by a short man whose voice sounds rather munchkin like.)
Alas, our flight to Dallas is delayed and the chances of actually making our connection to KC are bleak. Fortunately, we have adopted the easy going Belizean attitude and just don't worry about it (even though by this point, Jett's has run out of beer).
We land in Dallas a little before 10 pm and despite the easiest customs line we've ever seen, we miss our KC flight. American Airlines immediately shuttles us to the Grand Hyatt where they pay for our dinner of hamburgers and fries. Ah, it is lovely to be back in beef country.
After an all too short night of sleep, we board the 7:05 am flight to KC where we are greeted with torrential rain and a flooded basement. Home sweet home.
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