Ann decides she will give the resort scuba course a try. The resort course is intended to give you a taste of scuba diving, to see if you're interested in getting certified which takes 3-4 days to do. We are once again picked up from our dock around 9 am. We are joined by two other couples and two tour guides. One couple is from San Francisco and are snorkelers. The other couple is from the DC area: one is scuba certified and the other is doing the resort course as well.

We return to Shark Ray Alley and it is much less crowded today. The nurse sharks are plentiful and the stingrays are huge!

The snorkelers and Wyatt enter the water, and swim around the boat while the guide feeds and picks up stingrays. Ann and the other guy (along with his wife who is too freaked out to get in the water) stay on the boat to take a crash course in scuba theory from the other guide. After listening to the guide talk about the B/C vest, the regulator, clearing the mask, and all things scuba, Ann thinks she is in over her head.

While Ann and company are still learning the scuba basics, Wyatt, the 2 snorkelers, and the snorkel guide swim close to the edge of the barrier reef. The guide picks up a hairy starfish and lets everyone hold it. We see a few more nurse sharks, and bright schools of yellow and white fish.
Everyone piles back in the boat and we go over to Hol Chan. It is the moment of truth and Ann is FREAKED out. That armada of stingrays is nothing compared to this! Despite her desires to go snorkeling instead, she decides that she might as well give this a try. The B/C vest is heavy and awkward, but manageable. Breathing through the regulator is fine as well, but she just isn't ready to descend 30 feet below the surface (but she's going to spend some quality time at the deep end of the pool this summer to conquer her fears) and decides to let Wyatt and the other resort diver carry on. Unfortunately, the snorkelers have setsailed, so Ann climbs back in the boat (after waiting for a nurse shark to clear the ladder area). She chats with the resort diver's other half who is still too scared to get in the water after the last stop--how did this girl get scuba ceritfied? Unfortunately in all the excitement of Scuba Ann, we failed to actually get a picture of Scuba Ann. This is just as well. The B/C vest is less than flattering.

Snorkelers return and report that they saw a sea turtle. Ann is very jealous. The scuba divers return and say their trip was successful, although the current was exceptionally strong. Apparently, that morning was the second strongest tide of the entire year due to the full moon. Information that would have been handy prior to the dive. Wyatt reassures Ann that she made the right decision by hanging back as conditions were not optimal for a first time diver.

Back on land, we opted out of the chicken pooping action. Instead, we vegged out: Ann read her book on the beach; Wyatt watched a movie up in the room. Around 3:00 pm, we decided a snack was in order so we walked into town.

Wyatt is beyond famished and suggested the first food place that we came across that was still open for lunch - Ali Babba's. It is a tiny place, very stuffy and warm. A large picture of Jordan hangs on the wall and there are several chickens roasting outside. We each had a falafel wrap. Ann rated it 6/10. Wyatt rated his 5.5/10, but later changed his rating to -5.5/10 for reasons we do not need to explain in great detail.

We strolled around a bit more and landed at Cannibal's beach side bar where we encountered the San Francisco couple from our trip earlier in the day. Everyone at the bar seemed to swapping diving/snorkeling stories including one guy who would not shut up about his new dry snorkel. Much to the bartender's chagrin (and frankly everyone else at the bar), we quickly finished our beer, headed elsewhere, and left the others with Mr. Dry Snorkel Conversation Dominator. Unfortunately, we would see him again....

We ended up once again at BC's and snagged a table out on the beach to watch watch the people walking by. Highlights included the Banana Nut Bread lady who sings "Fresh Banana Nut Bread" as she walks with her dog Diggity. We were also amused by some childhood love triangle between three 10 year olds. But the best part of the evening was the full moon rise. It was spectacular - the pictures just don't do it justice. The dogs enjoyed it too. The black dog is the male and the brown dog is his girlfriend, according to one of the local children. He is very protective of the female and bit Wyatt's entire forearm lightly when he tried to pet her.
Before heading home, we stopped by Celi's Restaurant for their beach BBQ and enjoyed grilled fish with beans and coleslaw (8/10). Cheap eats! We were entertained by a two-man band consisting of vocals, guitar, and keyboard. They played some Willie Nelson and Hank Williams for us.
We then retired to our room. Ann chilled on the balcony while Wyatt went to bed. Damn you Ali Babba!